Global Crowd of 1M+
The crowd is what makes us completely unique. Spanning 170+ countries, speaking 235+ languages and dialects, we’ve assembled a crowd that’s unmatched. Select from various crowd options to suit your needs, with the largest group of global contributors, capable of advanced data labeling with specific cultural and social nuances.
Global Crowd
The crowd is an online community of people from every corner of the world coming together to create something huge. They’re an amazingly diverse group of individuals—students and professionals, mothers and veterans, teachers and gamers—each with a unique perspective to contribute to our global workforce.
1 million+ contributors
Access to a curated crowd of more than 1M+ flexible contributors worldwide
170+ countries
Access to a curated crowd of more than 1M+ flexible contributors worldwide
235+ languages
Access to a curated crowd of more than 1M+ flexible contributors worldwide
6+ billion judgements
Access to a curated crowd of more than 1M+ flexible contributors worldwide
Jobify Subject Matter Experts
Get access to the content you need from the people you’re looking for through a crowd curated just for you.
Quality Results
Human intelligence from a global crowd + expert service = high-quality training data for your ML projects.
Crowd Capabilities
Our diverse crowd promises unbiased AI data for fair and equitable projects.
Data Collection
Get ethically sourced datasets that work for any use case so you can kickstart your AI project quickly.
Data Annotation
Create accurate data and save time with a crowd that can quickly annotate data including text, video, images, and audio.
Transcribe documents, images of documents, or website information. Choose which type works best for you and receive secure, accurate, and speedy transcriptions.
Multilingual specialists evaluate the naturalness and relevance of text generated by NLP models.
Speech Modeling
Get data for speech recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language understanding.
Model Evaluation
Validate across an unparalleled range of real-world model use cases and demographics.
Our Crowd Code of Ethics
We are committed to providing opportunities to a global workforce with a focus on equity, inclusivity, and well-being.
Fair Pay
We ensure our contributors are paid fairly and strive to provide above minimum wage compensation across our global markets. We also create opportunities for contributors to increase their earnings and develop their professional goals for long-term success.
Our Fair Pay program benefits our Crowd and communities. We ensure our global contributors are compensated fairly through built-in technology capabilities in our platform.
Jobify is committed to making an impact and Fair Pay for our talented pool of 1M+ contributors is an essential part of our Code of Ethics.
Diversity & Inclusion
A diverse, inclusive culture is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds.
Crowd Voice
We stand by the fact that everyone has a valued voice at Jobify, and feedback from our crowd helps us to continuously improve.
Privacy & Confidentiality
Any information collected about the crowd is requested solely for the purposes of the project. We take precautions to protect that information and do not release private data on individuals to third parties without consent.
We believe in helpful, transparent, and responsive lines of communication with the crowd.
We promote wellness, community, and connections through online forums and best practices.
Global Workforce
Expertise includes a global crowd of 1+ million skilled contributors who speak 235+ languages and dialects, in 70,000+ locations and 170+ countries.